Life Legacy Films

These extremely compelling short-form documentaries are typically cradle-to-date life stories shot in one session with a two-camera, three man film crew (unless additional days are purchased). These may consist of a number of very short highlight stories, chronicling your life and featuring one or more longer stories or topics. The remainder of each segment will be shots of you, the storyteller (using both camera angles and up to 6 images/videos per minute*). We will also incorporate a custom designed set based on your primary theme used to segway between several of your features and highlights, varying the sets to represent the next segment. You may also elect to have us film at any number of locations that best represent your life stories (see below for packages and pricing). Some films may require specific stock music, footage or images outside of our extensive in-house library,  which will likely incur additional fees (add-ons will only be purchased and incorporated after your authorization).

Choose from a final Life Legacy Film with a duration of up to:
8 minutes with a full day shoot (3 man crew) - $30,000
15 minutes with a full day shoot (3 man crew) - $40,000
25 minutes with a full day shoot (3 man crew) - $50,000
40 minutes with a full day shoot (3 man crew) - $60,000

Legacy Memoirs 

These are stand-alone films starting at up to 10 minutes in duration and are offered for a limited time only.

Like our Life Legacy Films, these films are typically cradle-to-date life stories shot in one session with a two-camera, three man film crew (unless additional days are purchased). These may consist of a number of very short highlight stories, chronicling your life and featuring one or more longer stories or topics. We will incorporate up to eight images and or videos throughout the entire film as is appropriate. The remainder will be shots of the storyteller speaking straight through (switching between both camera angles). This is an affordable way to add more in-depth storytelling about your favorite life events (you will provide us with any content not shot on that day). You may also elect to have us film at any number of locations that best represent your life stories (see below for packages and pricing). Some films may require specific stock music, footage or images outside of our extensive in-house library,  which will likely incur additional fees (add-ons will only be purchased and incorporated after your authorization).

Choose your final Memoir Film with a duration of up to:

10 minutes, with a full day shoot (3 man crew) - $15,000
15 minutes, with a full day shoot (3 man crew) - $20,000
30 minutes, with a full day shoot (3 man crew) - $25,000

All upgradable with add-ons
Phone Intake
On-site Intake
Cinema Cameras 2 2 0
Smart Phone Cameras 0 0 1
Interview Broadcast Documentary End-to-End End-to-End
Lighting Broadcast Broadcast Briefcase
Sound Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast
Motion Controlled Cameras Slider
Set Design Slider
Tabletop Slider
Editing Full broadcast documentary Straight-thru camera-to-camera editing Straight-thru editing, Broll and music

Business Legacy Films

These short-form documentaries typically cover the story of your business from concept to the current state and can also include stories that laid the groundwork for the founder or founders to develop the personal characteristics that contributed to their success. These films are shot in one session with a two-camera, three man film crew (unless additional days are purchased). These may consist of a number of very short highlight stories, chronicling highlights throughout the life of your business and featuring one or more longer stories or topics.  We will create a brief custom opening and the body of the story with your still images, media clippings, home videos and corporate collateral incorporated into each story. The remainder of each segment will be shots of you, the storyteller (using both camera angles and up to 6 images/videos per minute*). You may also elect to have us film at any number of locations that best represent your life stories (see below for packages and pricing). Some films may require specific stock music, footage or images outside of our extensive in-house library,  which will likely incur additional fees (add-ons will only be purchased and incorporated after your authorization).

Choose from a final Business Legacy Film with a duration of up to:

2 minutes with a full day shoot (3 man crew) - $20,000
4 minutes with a full day shoot (3 man crew) - $30,000
6 minutes with a full day shoot (3 man crew) - $35,000
8 minutes with a full day shoot (3 man crew) - $40,000

- Add-On Packages and Services -
The following packages and services are only available with the purchase of a "Life Legacy Film" package and not available for purchase as stand-alone items.

A La Carte Stories

Storyteller One - $2900 (add $900 per extra minute)
These are separate add-on films of up to 2 minutes in duration, shot during the same session as the original day and are extended versions of specific stories. These stories however, will only consist of up to 2 images/videos incorporated into each story and the remainder will be shots of the storyteller, speaking straight through (switching between both camera angles). This is an affordable way to add more in-depth storytelling about your favorite life events.

Storyteller Two- $4900 (add $1,800 per extra minute)
These are separate add-on films of up to 2 minutes in duration, shot during the same session as the original day and are extended versions of specific stories. These stories however, will also consist of up to 6 images/videos per minute, incorporated into each story (in the same format as the primary Life Legacy Film). This is a more captivating way to add more in-depth storytelling about your favorite life events.

Multiple Viewing Versions

All "Life Legacy" films are shot in a standard documentary format and are suitable for virtually all viewing. Here are a few options for creating multiple versions of your film(s) to suit specific viewing audiences and seasons

Memorial Celebration Showcase
We can shoot and edit a separate opening and or closing to your video where you will speak directly to your loved ones, specifically at the season of your passing… perhaps encouraging or consoling them during their time of grief. Maybe even leaving a lighthearted message in jest, to not scratch your car, or step on your lawn. Or perhaps telling a long-time golfing buddy "Congratulations! Now that I'm gone, maybe you can finally win a golf game once in a while".

Future Viewing

We can shoot and edit a separate opening and or closing to speak to your loved ones after a specific future event in time comes to pass. An example would be that you may want to leave a word of encouragement to your loved ones at the future passing of your spouse or to your grand kids at the passing or your children. Or perhaps you'd like to leave a congratulatory message to one or more of your children or grandchildren to be played at their wedding or at the birth of their first child, or maybe at their college graduation. On an even lighter note, you may want to leave a message to your family to be played when your college alma mater finally wins a National Championship.

Individual Viewers Versions

Send specific messages to individual family and loved ones. Here are some possible scenarios:
Suppose you have had a tough go with a loved one who has made a bad decision or two along the way and you have forgiven them, but you suspect they are still living with the build; here is the opportunity to discuss the situation one last time, in private, so that they will know that you went through the extra trouble to make sure they know that they can let it go and move on with their lives in peace.  Or perhaps you have made a poor decision or two along the way and would like to make one last attempt at asking an individual for forgiveness (this would be a perfect way of proving to them that you sincerely regret your actions truly seek there forgiveness).

A La Carte Camera Packages (for additional days of shooting)
These add-on packages are great for capturing substantiating footage or additional interviews at your favorite locations/activities or those you mention in your stories. Places and events such as family reunions, family BBQ's, places you are known to frequent such as ballparks, lakes, beaches, the opera, as well as business location(s), homes you grew up in, etc.

1/2 Day Camera Packages**†
- Single Camera, Single Operator $600† (add: $300 for evening, $500 for Sat/Sun)
- Single Camera, Two Man Crew $900† (add: $400 for evening, $700 for Sat/Sun)
- Two Camera, Single Operator $900† (add: $300 for evening, $700 for Sat/Sun)
- Two Camera, Two Man Crew $1200† (add: $400 for evening, $800 for Sat/Sun)
- Two Camera, Three Man Crew $1800† (add: $700 for evening, $1000 for Sat/Sun)

Full Day Camera Packages**
- Single Camera, Single Operator $1000† (add: $500 for evening, $900 for Sat/Sun)
- Single Camera, Two Man Crew $1500† (add: $700 for evening, $1400 for Sat/Sun)
- Two Camera, Two Man Crew $2000† (add: $900 for evening, $1800 for Sat/Sun)
- Two Camera, Three Man Crew $2500† (add: $1200 for evening, $2200 for Sat/Sun)

*   Cropping and brightness of still images will be adjusted at no extra charge,
however,  all other editing of pictures or videos will be charged at standard
rate of $100 per hour

** "1/2 Day" = 4 hours of door-door service and "Full Day" service is 8 hours respectively (travel, setup and tear-down times are factored into total hours)
† Add $300 for motion controlled slider option

(408) 975-9325