This package includes access to the first of a three-part online course series entitled “Preserving Your Legacy”. This course, “Pre-Production Planning”, was designed to give you a simple, easy-to-understand, step-by-step approach to capturing your life stories and or those of your loved ones (yes, as a private individual housing unit, you may use these resources for as many private, non-commercial videos as you would like).
We’re also including 24 hours of total access to our entire Elias Legacy Films Training site. Our site includes numerous how-to videos with industry tips and tricks specifically for producing legacy film documentaries and was designed with the first-time filmmaker in mind (using as little as only your smart phone).
Also included in our site are incredibly time-saving checklists that turn an otherwise complex process into a simple, step-by-step project, as well as scores of downloadable videos, music and sound effects, to help bring your legacy film documentaries to life, as quickly and easily as possible.
We’ve combined decades of knowledge and experience and put thousands of hours into compiling viewable and downloadable resources into one legacy-film-centered location, so you don’t have to!