Pre-Production Services – (we can get you started or do all – hourly)


*** Click image below for video with tips for
selecting & ordering this service***
Help with shopping video buttonIf you need help with specific parts… or all of the pre-production work, we can meet with you and or the people you would like to interview, via online video call (i.e. Facetime, Zoom, etc.).

SKU: N/A Category:

If you would like help with specific parts… or all of the pre-production work, we can meet with you and or the people you would like to interview, via online video call (i.e. Facetime, Zoom, etc.). These services can include an initial consultation session, any calls to your hero and or friends and family members, etc. We can help you review pictures and or memorabilia, as well as help you with the logging process and any other elements within the Pre-Production phase of our training portal.  This will be billed on an hourly basis (a two-hour minimum will be purchased up-front and all additional hours will be purchase at the end of each day’s pre-production session)

Remote Pre-Production Services (hourly)

1st Three Hours (1 unit only), each additional hour